Civil Lawyers in Chennai

The most common law is civil law. It is also a generic term of non-criminal law. Judges will give the result according to the codification means already written rules.

It consists of procedures, judicial precedents, rules that help to resolve the various civil cases. These cases may be either with an organization or between individuals.

This law contains many types of problems such as personal issues, invasion of privacy, marriage conflicts etc.

Visit Lawyers brings one of the topmost firms in Chennai, provides a complete solution of legal services and consultation regarding Indian civil law.

Key Principles of civil law

Civil law restores injured parties, as humanly possible, to their original position by providing remedies such as damages and injunction before doing wrong to the defendant.

It is to protect its civilians from any violation and gives equal opportunities to all to provide equal rights. Whatever the matter that affects the welfare of a society or an individual. It will come under Civil law in India.

Common types of Civil laws

Civil law focuses mainly on providing compensation for disputes between individuals, families, or organizations instead of giving punishments.

Real estate law

In accordance with article 246 of the Indian constitution of India covers the law while the transfer of property other than the agricultural lands, transfer of property act which provides the general principle of immovable and movable property such as a mortgage, lease and gift of property.

Many acts come under real estate law, such as the Indian easement act, Registration act, land revenue code, etc.

Business or commercial Law

Business and commercial law governs the commerce world. It deals with many business-related frauds, employee to employee complaints and every ethics related to Business.

Acts that come under Business or commercial law were the Indian contract act, the sales of goods act, the Indian partnership act, the limited liability partnership act, the companies act and so on.

Consumer law

The right given to a consumer to protect the consumer from being cheated by the manufacturer is known as consumer rights. This law built to ensure good trade competition and the open flow of truthful information in the marketplace.

There are many acts such as the equal credit opportunity act, Magnuson-Moss Warranty act etc.

Education Law

Various articles of the Indian constitution gives much importance to compulsory education, especially to children. The right to education act provides free education to all children. It incorporates the word free and compulsory.

Tax Law

This tax law includes the taxpayer’s taxation such as application of GST, tax increment by the government, GST complaints and other taxes were under this law. This tax law includes the public provident fund, Equity Linked savings scheme, Employee provident fund and so on.